Ingredients are lightly dredged in oil then heated over low or medium-low heat for about a minute to partially cook the ingredients in preparation for the next stage of cooking.
The ingredients are cooked in hot water or soup for a short period of time, then submerged in a bowl of cold water in order to retain the freshness and the original flavour.
Double Boiling is to cook slowly through indirect heat without disturbing the food. The ingredients are combined and seasoned, with or without water, in a sealed container, which is then placed in a wok or steamer and steamed over high heat for 1-3 hours.
One of the more popular frying techiques is stir-frying-ingredients are cooked in hot oil over high heat and治療早洩推薦, stirred continuously until fully cooked. Stir-frying over very high heat is bao(爆)is used to cook ingredients very quickly, usually without sauce.